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Ethics, Perseverance, and a Good Heart. Helen Hayes, Has Our Votes.

Today is the last day you can mail in your ballots in Washington state. There are a lot of things in this round, most notably I-1183, which would shut down state run liquor stores and open it up to privatization. I was a bit torn on the issue because I like the idea of boutique liquor shoppes, but at the end of the day, I’d rather get money flowing into the state and if that means Safeway and Costco profit off of it too, so be it.

On to Helen Hayes. I read this great synopsis of her life on her site. What an amazing life she had. Helped fund the polio vaccine after her daughter, Mary, died of it. Is one of two women who has received an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony. She had a massively long career spanning over 50+ years. Really, such a great tribute to a stamp and I’m glad she’s carrying our votes to the election board. Juxtaposed, I’m torn that she’s having to carry our ‘yes’ votes for 1183 given that her husband died of alcoholism. Fingers crossed that doesn’t come about a tremendous amount more within Washington after the passing of this legislation.

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