These busy little bumble bees were about as meticulous and frenetic as anything I’ve ever seen. Zipping from one cluster of flowers to the next, tarrying only momentarily before taking a short awkward yet surprisingly graceful flight to their next destination. For twenty minutes I tried snapping macro shots of the black and yellow bees as commuters strolled by, gazing awkwardly at me hanging out next to a massive purple bush, surrounded by a soft drone of buzzing with only an iPhone to protect me. In all that time I was able to get two marginal photos. Not great, not even mostly in focus … marginal. But given how badly the subjects didn’t want to be documented, probably due to wanting to keep trade secrets, I think it’s a good start to future macro photography of insects. Best of all, I didn’t get stung. For that alone, I’ll chock today’s Photo-a-Day up as a success. On an unrelated nerdery note, the iPhone corrects nerdery to berserk and tarrying to tweeting. Thanks autocorrect!
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