Our cat Endo loves these tiny 3/4″ glitter balls from Mud Bay in Belltown. Unfortunately he gets a bit overzealous when chasing them about the house and often launches them under the couch, whereby we’re forced to lift it up and excavate them to freedom. Today, as I was pulling out a dozen or so, we found this guy: a dead yellowjacket. Generally I’m trying to keep them off my burger or away from watermelon but this was amazing to just see it up close. I was befuddled by the amount of hair, length of antennae, and thinness of the connecting bit between the thorax and the abdomen. Super cool.
Shortly thereafter our neighborhood got into action, well 7 of us, to rip out blackberry bushes and preserve the greenbelt. Three hours as a worker bee and I’m ready for an afternoon BBQ and a fiesta this evening. Good little Saturday.
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