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At a Crazy Snail’s Pace

Sometimes life moves fast. Crazy fast. And you’re a snail, going crazy because the world is moving so much faster than you can keep up with. There are two options for you my gastropodian friend: throw on a running sneaker to keep up with the rest of the pack or be the rock in the stream of insanity as it pours around you. Both have their pros and cons, but resolving with yourself which you’re going for will at least give you some peace of mind. This Smitten mollusk is going to split the difference. Pausing some facets of my life such that others can sprint. I’ll keep you posted if option #3 is a worthwhile one or not.

One Comment

  1. Posted July 12, 2011 at 1:28 pm | #

    “A sneaker” – singular. Clever, my love…you’re oh so clever! And wise, too; I’m digging this option.

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