I was skating along … I’ll be honest … I was sitting on my board going down a decent hill and spotted this guy after stopping to hop up on to my feet for the flat land. Still not the greatest skater ever, but it’s fun and I’ve got a career to look after that requires my hands and noggin. In any case, I recall seeing these sorts of centipedes back in the day, but they were always darting from one shadow or to another. Pretty sure he was on his last leg. After scooping him up and putting him in the bushes I was on my way. Here’s to a good life sir (wish I had a montage, instead I’ll add another shallow focus macro photo at the end of the post) hopefully you did what you needed to do and maybe just had indigestion instead of something more death related.
I have to say as well, I’ve shot a lot of macro photos with this Photojojo Lens Pack for my iPhone, and I’m perpetually impressed by the super shallow depth of field, level of clarity of the subject, and well, that it’s from my phone. Looking forward to the next thing I snag from your store.