First off, my biggest congratulations to Raj and Annika for their natural, epidural-free birth. You two are so strong and I’m so proud of you. Mia is beautiful and I can’t wait to meet her or hear from Spun how the evening went (she was their doula).
As I shot this photo, meant solely to be a beautiful new delicate flower at dawn, I realized there were three buds around it. Truly, religious references could be made here, but I’d also like to think that Mia’s mom and dad are the two buds on the left and all of those who supported them bring her into this world, surrounding them with light, joy, and happiness are represented by the small bud behind the star of the show. These other flowers provide strength, future guidance, and add to the beauty of the moment by being there to witness this perfect flower joining the world today without competing for center stage.
Happy birthday Mia. You’ve come into one of the most perfect Seattle days and you’re surrounded by so much love. Welcome.
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