I don’t touch politics with a ten foot pole. I vote, but mostly per the recommendation of cheat sheets in The Stranger ( unless I’m compelled by a certain issue or candidate to sway me otherwise ). I keep my nose to the grindstone, doing what I do best with the expectation that elected officials and people watching over the financial backbone of my country are doing the same. I am, let’s face it, optimistic to a fault.
So when it comes to these sorts of crossroads when protestors decide to Occupy Wall Street, flags go up … and not the ones that have Obama with a Hitler-stache. These aren’t the standard raver kids in Westlake dinking around with their baggy pants, neon beads, and pitbulls. These aren’t the chuggers that I loathe so badly with clipboards standing in your way at every moment they can to shake your hand. These are people who have come to a spot where sitting at home awaiting change in solitude is no longer an option. They choose instead to sit in public, sans-umbrellas (thanks Mayor!) in hopes of their nationwide voice growing to a point where they can’t be ignored any longer. We are at a crossroads that could result in a financial revolution.
So where do you stand in this? I assume that whether you’re in favor of the protests or not, you are technically a part of the 99%. Do you think these groups need a leader? If so, who? Do you foresee this ending well? Should I be toting along a mask in case my commute winds through the next WTO riot?
What’s your 2¢ on being a member of the 99%?