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Sunset with iPhoto’d Ferries and Mt Rainier Graffiti

Kudos to Apple for making iPhoto for the iPhone and iPad. Seriously well done. The ease in which you can manipulate images, boosting saturation, adding effects, etc is pretty impressive. The brushes menu is gorgeous and I love the swatches as well.

Some downfalls exist though … every time you go back to the photo library, it seems to update. Boooooo. I have over 4000 photos on my phone. This is painful. PAINFUL. Also, why would you make such an amazing positionable vignette if you can only apply it to black and white photos? It’d be great to burn in color photos as well. Lastly, it seems like some of the filters don’t play nice with others. Why can’t you layer all things available? Why restrict creativity?

I am thoroughly impressed by this initial version and can’t wait to see what the future ones have in store for the blog as well as other photo enthusiasts. Once I switch from .mac I mean MobileMe to iCloud I’ll likely do another post about that integration with journals.

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