Out with the old, in with the new.

Out with the old, in with the new.

A quick nature hike around Seward Park today revealed some really cool moss growing on a freshly fallen tree. Out with the old of 2011, in …


Pixelated Coat of Arms

Pixelated Coat of Arms

Today Spun and I went to the Seattle Art Museum. We saw the Luminous exhibit, which showcased a ton of great Asian art. We saw …


Pixelated Sunrise

Pixelated Sunrise

Shot through the screen on our bathroom window with a pair of water drops refracting the light.


Striking reflections of vibrancy on a gray Seattle day

Striking reflections of vibrancy on a gray Seattle day

I’m growing really fond of these puddle photos. Today was a tough one. I shot a dozen photos or so all over the city. Some …


Work hard you must. The blink of an eye away is vacation.

Work hard you must. The blink of an eye away is vacation.

Yoda makes my inner geek happy. Graffiti Yoda tickles my art side too. Add in the thought of heading to Belize and I’m giddy. For years …


Can [regain] Control

Can [regain] Control

The past few weeks have been nuts. So much going on for the holidays they’ve really just turned into a blur. This morning I saw …


Illuminated Forest

Illuminated Forest

A tree wrapped in Christmas lights in Westlake Plaza. Merry Christmas all!


Shortest Day, Longest Shadows

Shortest Day, Longest Shadows

Today is the first day of winter and with the solstice comes a very low hanging sun. I was blown away by just how long …


Steamy Seattle Sunrise: End of Fall

Steamy Seattle Sunrise: End of Fall

Today I shot a lot of photos. A lot. These are the two that really stood out from the rest of the roll. Two different …


Hustle and Bustle Under the Star: iPhone Photography Tips and Tricks

Hustle and Bustle Under the Star: iPhone Photography Tips and Tricks

The Macy’s star shines brightly over Westlake Plaza, downtown Seattle. How did I get this shot with my iPhone? Thanks for asking, here’s how. I used …