The colors of fall give way to rain

The colors of fall give way to rain

A puddle under The Viaduct littered with brilliantly yellow leaves at varying levels of submergence trumped the half dozen other shots I had lined up. …




Last night we had some amazing wind and rain. Thankfully it eased up a touch on my way in this morning. Still pretty soggy, but …


Grateness Grows

Grateness Grows

Good things are happening little by little. Soon we’ll see green.


Indian Feast. I love my friends.

Indian Feast. I love my friends.

Tonight we had our Third Sunday Supper Club with the theme of Indian food. Our friends did not disappoint. Nearly 30 people turned out for …


First Corked Bottle of Wine

First Corked Bottle of Wine

Sad. This was a bottle I was really looking forward to. Too bad it reeked of mildew and vinegar.


Mr Yuk says “blech”

Mr Yuk says “blech”

I miss seeing these stickers around. I recall seeing them all the time as a kid, but not at all in the past decade or …


MacBook Battery Go Boom

MacBook Battery Go Boom

There goes another hundred bucks at the Apple Store. At least I figured out why my track pad button was completely locked in place. A …


Alley Flock! Migration Has Begun!

Alley Flock! Migration Has Begun!

Today is a rad day. North By Nine is lining up clients left and right and we got our connect button up on The Balance …




The ivy on a Viaduct column.


Q: What is it that everybody has and some pirates and thieves try to take?

Q: What is it that everybody has and some pirates and thieves try to take?

I love me some Tribe Called Quest. This struck me this morning as Da Booty. Here’s to Mary Lou Retton.