Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point

One point perspective hard at work. Central park at Columbus Circle.


Even The Dandelions Are Bigger Here

Even The Dandelions Are Bigger Here

On my way to Conversion Conference.


Rocking a Mini trip

Rocking a Mini trip

I love this sculpture. It’s right down at the Othello Light Rail station on the southbound side. I’ve been looking forward to shooting it for …


Bad Monkey

Bad Monkey

I couldn’t help but stop and snap a photo of Curious George. Looks like he’s fallen on hard times these days. If someone could just …




The media and police are out for another big day with the Seattle Occupy folks at Westlake Center Plaza. I like that the protestors have …


2¢ on the 99%

2¢ on the 99%

I don’t touch politics with a ten foot pole. I vote, but mostly per the recommendation of cheat sheets in The Stranger ( unless I’m …


What happens in Kent…

What happens in Kent…

I had a couple better photos from today, but this one just made me laugh. “What happens in Kent, stays in Kent.”


A Clean White Background

A Clean White Background

There are some days in Seattle when you wake up and it is pitch black out. So dark that you think all light is being …


Topographical Art

Topographical Art

This morning, on the 2nd ave wall of Paper Hammer I saw some really fun art. A buddy of mine and I keep threatening to …


Twin Falls

Twin Falls

We took mom out hiking today to Twin Falls off exit 34 on I-90. Such a perfect day for a really gorgeous hike. Truly a …