Vanishing Point
One point perspective hard at work. Central park at Columbus Circle.
One point perspective hard at work. Central park at Columbus Circle.
On my way to Conversion Conference.
I love this sculpture. It’s right down at the Othello Light Rail station on the southbound side. I’ve been looking forward to shooting it for …
I couldn’t help but stop and snap a photo of Curious George. Looks like he’s fallen on hard times these days. If someone could just …
The media and police are out for another big day with the Seattle Occupy folks at Westlake Center Plaza. I like that the protestors have …
I don’t touch politics with a ten foot pole. I vote, but mostly per the recommendation of cheat sheets in The Stranger ( unless I’m …
I had a couple better photos from today, but this one just made me laugh. “What happens in Kent, stays in Kent.â€
There are some days in Seattle when you wake up and it is pitch black out. So dark that you think all light is being …
This morning, on the 2nd ave wall of Paper Hammer I saw some really fun art. A buddy of mine and I keep threatening to …
We took mom out hiking today to Twin Falls off exit 34 on I-90. Such a perfect day for a really gorgeous hike. Truly a …