Undulating Sine Waves
As I was wishing my grandma happy birthday, on this her 90th, I paused for a few moments in the middle of Harbor Steps. The …
As I was wishing my grandma happy birthday, on this her 90th, I paused for a few moments in the middle of Harbor Steps. The …
Pretty grateful for headway on things. Even if it’s just making small wakes, it’s still forward progress. Hopefully I don’t run into salt flats any …
Really enjoying the new water feature at my folks’ place. Serene, crisp, gorgeous sounds.
This bit of vandalism is one of my favorites in Seattle. Just up in the alley between 1st and 2nd on Lenora, I’ve been waiting …
And just like that, my 30th year has drawn to a close. My permit has expired and I’m off to zone 31 now. But don’t …
Sometimes life moves fast. Crazy fast. And you’re a snail, going crazy because the world is moving so much faster than you can keep up …
Sometimes you get to a spot where you’ve realized you’re in too deep. Too much work, too much play, too much … too much. I’m …
There are certain moments in time that can change you … no, that’s too small. There are certain unique occurrences that are so mutually monumental …
… has kept me from posting this today. It’s a sticker for a clothing company named My Machine World and their blog. Lots o …