Tighten Up

Tighten Up

The Stranger, Archie Bell & The Drells, and a patch of sunshine. I can almost hear summer coming.


Ivana <3′s Art Too

Ivana <3′s Art Too

Reflections of art in the south end Pike Place Market alleyway. Had to drive in again for Junior Achievement so I figured I’d incorporate my …


Make Love

Make Love

Quite literally 10-15′ down the alley from what I shot on Friday. It’s going to be a good week. Oh and it does say “make …


Ready for A Splash of Color

Ready for A Splash of Color

Dinner tonight will be warmer and more colorful than this puddle in Ballard was earlier today.


Others Snapping the Seattle Graffiti Scene

Others Snapping the Seattle Graffiti Scene

So I’ve spent a bunch of time away from the south end of Pike Place Market for the past few weeks, focusing on the waterfront …


Today calls for a man’s drink

Today calls for a man’s drink

Lottie’s Lounge — John Daly


Blue Skies

Blue Skies


Persistence of Vision (Saccadoscopoeia)

Persistence of Vision (Saccadoscopoeia)

So the artwork, Saccadoscopoeia by Bill Bell in the University Station bus/light rail tunnel has been bugging me for … well years at this point. …


Same Side of the Tracks

Same Side of the Tracks

I’m a huge fan of The Best Camera iPhone app. I use it almost every day for my photo-a-day series. Sometimes though, I’m left with …




Seventy years ago today, May 9th, 1941 the British captured a German submarine, U-110, that contained the secret codes for all of the transmissions that …