

I stumbled across this one as I returned to the alleys I heavily shot a few weeks back. It was between 2nd and 3rd, just …


Find a penny … mount it in a nautical wheel?

Find a penny … mount it in a nautical wheel?

I walk by these things all the time on the waterfront. They’re old and decaying a bit, staining the concrete on which they’re mounted. I …


I feel like a groundhog

I feel like a groundhog

Piers 62 and 63. I was even able to toss the jacket to the side this morning on the walk in … Was nice in …


Beauty Begets Beauty

Beauty Begets Beauty

So here they are. Side by side. The original painting and the tattoo at long last. Thank you Blaine Fontana and Jason Drager for making …


Peace in the face of one man’s death

Peace in the face of one man’s death

So I’ve yet to actually see a news report about Osama Bin Laden getting officially killed, but I am on the fence about various reactions …


Walk. Don’t Run. AKA Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Walk. Don’t Run. AKA Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Today, as I sip my coffee over breakfast with Spun, listening to Side 2 of The Ventures play Telstar The Lonely Bull I move cautiously. …


Blindspots & No Sh*t

Blindspots & No Sh*t

This is an eclectic post for a random morning of photos. I originally sought out the second photo after seeing it on my walk in …


Pride + Prejudice

Pride + Prejudice

There’s a fine line nowadays for a lot of people in public of looking, if I may be so bold, crazy. I feel terrible for, …


Hey Sun, join us for a spell?

Hey Sun, join us for a spell?

Back side of Pike Place Market with a hint of sun trying to break through the clouds. Pretty sure I’m ready for last year’s Fall …


Punji sticks and a light at the end of the tunnel

Punji sticks and a light at the end of the tunnel

Driving in this morning afforded me the opportunity to snap two shots. I like the juxtaposition of light and lines. Plus, Spun and I always …