From the top of Parc Güell you can see all of Barcelona on a day like today. So thrilled that it was better than yesterday where we hiked in the rain for damn near the whole day.
We also spent a bunch if time in the plaza drinking sangria and Cava. The latter was a super refreshing form of champagne that you really should try.
Then we hit up a tapas bar and had tons of delicious yummy bites. The octopus was stellar. The mini burgers were buttery and slathered with stone ground mustard. The crab was not anywhere near k-rab. The most bizarre on the menu though was the salmon, cream cheese, caviar, and baby eel tapas. Savory and salty. Super delicious. We hit up a pitcher of Cava sangria as well.
On our way home we stopped off at the bar across the street, Niko’s and had some olives and beer…Estrella. I was crowned King Supreme for getting a pit into the bowl from distance. Spun was crowned Reina Media Suprema for getting a clove of garlic in there. Some abuelos disapproved, but we had fun.
© 2011 smitten

Parc Güell
13 Mar
This entry was written by smitten, posted on March 13, 2011 at 1:43 pm, filed under photo-a-day and tagged Barcelona, Spain, vacation. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.
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