Pemco ad waiting to happen
Generally I have to avoid stumbling over bums when I head under this less traveled portion of the viaduct. Today, however, I was greeted with …
Generally I have to avoid stumbling over bums when I head under this less traveled portion of the viaduct. Today, however, I was greeted with …
LAX Customs. Always a line and somehow we always pick the long one.
Partner yoga at the villa. Nothing like a rooftop session to kick a Cubano bar hangover. What a fun night last night. This bar was …
Yesterday our dear friends David and Alyssa got hitched. It was truly a magnificent culmination to a beautiful week. Just down the beach from the …
Early morning today … but for good reason. Vamos a Mexico señores. No cube, no monitors, no outlook reminders. Hasta luego amigos. We’ll keep you …
Today is a cluster of meetings mixed with a couple hours if true design and development. I’m hoping to do more of the latter and …
Love this vine wall with the Space Needle. Looks like something you’d stumble across coming out if a jungle in a scifi movie.
This one goes out to my buddy Adam Ford who back in the day made a small grammatical error that has really yet to be …
Monthly Archives: June 2011