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About Time: Stay Back Chuggers

I hate the chuggers (charity beggars) in Seattle. So today’s news buried in The Stranger about how these street canvassers are getting the smack down and agreeing to reform (I’m talking to you Shay and your fedora wearing, clipboard twirling munchkin buddy) gives me great joy. Planned Parenthood has been great. They respect the people they interact with. Kudos and respect to you. Dialogue Direct on the other hand, which has been giving Children International a bad name for years by verbally accosting Seattlites and pissing off all sorts of pedestrians, does not.

Here’s the quote from The Stranger:

Seattle’s top four charity canvassing firms have signed a citywide code of conduct pledging to stop aggressively begging pedestrians to save the whales/children/indigenous flautists. Canvassers are now prohibited from stopping traffic,walking backward, or even “advancing toward a pedestrian… more than one step.”

It’s about effing time.

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