Monthly Archives: February 2012

My graffiti spidey senses are tingling

My graffiti spidey senses are tingling

An awesome spiderman symbol about 6-7 feet tall on the back side of Local 360 in Belltown. A huge can of PBR … or perhaps …


Sun[ny]day is actually Monday

Sun[ny]day is actually Monday

Gorgeous sunrise this morning with pristine clear skies. We could use some sun today here in Seattle, glad we’re getting it. Oh and I’d highly recommend …


An office surprise: desk flask!

An office surprise: desk flask!

The past couple days I’ve been working in Pioneer2 at Hub Seattle. It’s a really great work loft for folks who want some time away …


What’s black and white and red on the ceiling?

What’s black and white and red on the ceiling?

Our cat Endo taking a ride on a heart shaped balloon. He has been launching himself to the point of exhaustion at this thing for the …


3rd Sunday Pink Party Prefunk: Employees Only Lady Shirley Cocktail

3rd Sunday Pink Party Prefunk: Employees Only Lady Shirley Cocktail

Before I started drinking when I was 28, I drank a ton of Shirley Temples. Pitchers of them in fact. When we were in New York …


Fat free photo: Red Vines

Fat free photo: Red Vines

Found some super stale Red Vines in the no-no cupboard today while snooping for some sugar. Probably ought to kill off those Peeps from last …


Pre date-night doppio rocket fuel: 4 shots of two shots of espresso

Pre date-night doppio rocket fuel: 4 shots of two shots of espresso


Random Faces

Random Faces

Some bubbles in a poured porter from Georgetown Brewery … all with random effects through pixlr-o-matic.


Loop D Loop

Loop D Loop

I snagged a contract that has me out and about, which is great for shooting commute photos again. I liked how the looped rebar was …




Spun and I had an interesting Valentine’s day. We worked on a project inspired by love for the morning, pushing pixels, fusing ideas and making …