Sunset on The Viaduct: As Viewed from a Puddle

Sunset on The Viaduct: As Viewed from a Puddle

As the sun sets on The Viaduct, I’m trying to capture as many photos as possible to remember its profound impact on our city. Easily …




How are we so blessed with amazing sunrises here in Seattle? Stunning, yet again.


Grace from Fall

Grace from Fall

On the right track to somewhere.


… and a four leaf clover for good measure

… and a four leaf clover for good measure

Today has massive potential. It’s the culmination of the combined efforts of a group of great minds pursuing a singular vision. In my ongoing quest to …


Pissed Off. Pinned On.

Pissed Off. Pinned On.

This little snippet of graffiti is maybe an inch and a half tall, hanging out with a bunch of larger peers on a rain downspout …


Ethics, Perseverance, and a Good Heart. Helen Hayes, Has Our Votes.

Ethics, Perseverance, and a Good Heart. Helen Hayes, Has Our Votes.

Today is the last day you can mail in your ballots in Washington state. There are a lot of things in this round, most notably …


Monday Fireworks

Monday Fireworks

This morning started out with a good photo opportunity (using my iPhone’s exposure/focus lock to blow out the leaves while shooting into the sun) and …


Dancing on a Thread

Dancing on a Thread

I should have posted this waaaay earlier in the day, but … well I was too busy coding. We had some amazing fog this morning. The …


Frenetic Coding with Hummingbirds

Frenetic Coding with Hummingbirds

As I’ve been coding all day I’ve been watching a handful of hummingbirds frequent the newly refilled feeder. I find it amazing how vicious they …


Stand for Something

Stand for Something

This spray paint stencil on an electrical box in Belltown got me thinking that we all need to stand for something. Good design. Ethics. Smiling. Religion. …