Under the needle again

Under the needle again

Today I’m headed back up to Cicada Tattoo for a touch up with Jason Drager. A bit more orange-red and a splash of india ink …


Tell them what he’s won!

Tell them what he’s won!

Rain! Gotta say, it’s nice not sweating all day … though it sure was great having a week of heat and sunshine.




I’m pissed. So is Spun. Our neighborhood has been ransacked by orange paint … and it signifies the death of hundreds of maturing bushes, hedges, …


Bowling for Graffiti

Bowling for Graffiti

Love this bowler stencil. Saw it in two places today on the way in, but didn’t have time today to post them up until just …


Pemco ad waiting to happen

Pemco ad waiting to happen

Generally I have to avoid stumbling over bums when I head under this less traveled portion of the viaduct. Today, however, I was greeted with …


Halfway Home

Halfway Home

LAX Customs. Always a line and somehow we always pick the long one.


My Morning Yoga

My Morning Yoga

Partner yoga at the villa. Nothing like a rooftop session to kick a Cubano bar hangover. What a fun night last night. This bar was …


A truly stunning wedding

A truly stunning wedding

Yesterday our dear friends David and Alyssa got hitched. It was truly a magnificent culmination to a beautiful week. Just down the beach from the …


Wedding Day

Wedding Day

A perfect day for a Mexican wedding.


On Mexico Time

On Mexico Time

Photo-a-day delayed? Yup. Why? Yup. I could get used to this.