Post Haste

Post Haste

Almost forgot to post this from this morning!


Caffeinated Bliss

Caffeinated Bliss

Yes, two coffee shots in two days. I know this. But it’s so good to have delicious coffee at work. The coffee at the ol’ …


Empowered Energy

Empowered Energy

Monday. First new week. North By Nine is in full swing and there is plenty to do. Glad I’ve got some coffee to pull me …


Chapter 3: Sunshine & Roses

Chapter 3: Sunshine & Roses

Let’s be perfectly clear. This chapter won’t all be sunshine and roses. There will be adversity, heartache, introspection, late nights and early mornings, tears shed, …


The sun sets on a momentous day

The sun sets on a momentous day

A gorgeous finale from Pier 66 in downtown Seattle. Truly an epic way to walk out of the office.


Stay tuned. The best is yet to come.

Stay tuned. The best is yet to come.

Last day. Desk is safely home. Paperwork is signed. I’m officially a free agent. Farewell All Star. I’ll look forward to crossing paths again soon. Off to …


Switching Tracks

Switching Tracks

Tomorrow marks my last day at All Star Directories, and today I’m prepping the rails to make a clean switch to the tracks less traveled. …


Oh Deer. Road[sign]kill

Oh Deer. Road[sign]kill

An interesting wheat paste on the back of a sign today down on the waterfront.


a frozen [c]lover’s embrace

a frozen [c]lover’s embrace

Black ice is a funny thing. You can’t see it until you know you’ve felt it. At that point you probably have a macro view …


Empty fROSEn streets, guarded by ravens

Empty fROSEn streets, guarded by ravens

I commuted into work today. Uneventful. In fact, I was only long because I shot a lot of photos. Hwy 99 was a ghost town. …