Tag: politics

Washington’s True Colors Shine Through

Washington’s True Colors Shine Through

I’ll be brief. I could ramble for days on my joy I feel about our state right now, but I’ll just say a couple things. First, …


Ethics, Perseverance, and a Good Heart. Helen Hayes, Has Our Votes.

Ethics, Perseverance, and a Good Heart. Helen Hayes, Has Our Votes.

Today is the last day you can mail in your ballots in Washington state. There are a lot of things in this round, most notably …




The media and police are out for another big day with the Seattle Occupy folks at Westlake Center Plaza. I like that the protestors have …


2¢ on the 99%

2¢ on the 99%

I don’t touch politics with a ten foot pole. I vote, but mostly per the recommendation of cheat sheets in The Stranger ( unless I’m …


Peace in the face of one man’s death

Peace in the face of one man’s death

So I’ve yet to actually see a news report about Osama Bin Laden getting officially killed, but I am on the fence about various reactions …