Author: smitten

What’s black and white and red on the ceiling?

What’s black and white and red on the ceiling?

Our cat Endo taking a ride on a heart shaped balloon. He has been launching himself to the point of exhaustion at this thing for the …


3rd Sunday Pink Party Prefunk: Employees Only Lady Shirley Cocktail

3rd Sunday Pink Party Prefunk: Employees Only Lady Shirley Cocktail

Before I started drinking when I was 28, I drank a ton of Shirley Temples. Pitchers of them in fact. When we were in New York …


Fat free photo: Red Vines

Fat free photo: Red Vines

Found some super stale Red Vines in the no-no cupboard today while snooping for some sugar. Probably ought to kill off those Peeps from last …


Pre date-night doppio rocket fuel: 4 shots of two shots of espresso

Pre date-night doppio rocket fuel: 4 shots of two shots of espresso


Random Faces

Random Faces

Some bubbles in a poured porter from Georgetown Brewery … all with random effects through pixlr-o-matic.


Loop D Loop

Loop D Loop

I snagged a contract that has me out and about, which is great for shooting commute photos again. I liked how the looped rebar was …




Spun and I had an interesting Valentine’s day. We worked on a project inspired by love for the morning, pushing pixels, fusing ideas and making …


Not enough caffeine

Not enough caffeine

Too much work. Not enough caffeine.


Joe Venuti and the Dutch Swing College Band

Joe Venuti and the Dutch Swing College Band

Spun a lot of records today at the house. Loads of good percussion, jazz, The Ventures, The Cure, songs from Mexico and even an eighth …


Georgetown Trailer Park Mall is Shabby Chic

Georgetown Trailer Park Mall is Shabby Chic

Georgetown always puts their own spin on things, so it makes sense that they’d do the same when setting up a “mall.” a bunch of …