Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

I saw this on the back side of Weirdo’s building down in Pioneer Square. Loved the detail work, colors, and composition. I’ve got to get …


Destroy — Poledance

Destroy — Poledance

Another great wheat paste image from DESTROY. Well done. 3rd & Blanchard.


Wired for Success

Wired for Success

I worked from home today and took a little walk. Loved this power pole in Columbia City. After some additional color, grunge, and whatnot I …


Lookout Lenora!

Lookout Lenora!

I love the Lenora St Lookout. Spun took me here early on in our relationship for a late night walkabout of Belltown and her favorite …


This is NOT a Picture Opportunity

This is NOT a Picture Opportunity

By now you probably know I like juxtapositions … and witty graffiti … well and Banksy because he does both. He’s tagged “This is not …


My Tree of Power

My Tree of Power

So I bought a sweatshirt from Threadless the other day that I’ve been eyeing for years. As with all Threadless shirts it has a title: …




Normally this thing is covered in kids spinning in circles under the sun. Today it’s soaked in dew awaiting the sun to burn it off …


Hey Rain. How was your vacation?

Hey Rain. How was your vacation?

And just like that we’re in fall. Wicked winds, dumping rain, still surprisingly temperate. I’m happy I had my umbrella at the ready, shielding me …


Awaiting an Electrical Storm

Awaiting an Electrical Storm

It’s not often in Seattle that we get the opportunity to have thunder and lightning. No guarantees that we’ll get either tonight, but given the …


Finding Serenity in Tension

Finding Serenity in Tension

In a world where there aren’t enough hours in a day for our jobs, our friends, our family, or ourselves we are perpetually pulled in …